Fragments of Greek Mythology in the Amazigh music/poetry

As indigenous peoples of North Africa, Amazigh people have had a long history of interacting with the most prominent Mediterranean civilizations. This cross-cultural effect is illustrated by many incidents. One of them is the famous Greek deity Poseidon who’s –according to Herodotus- is originally North African. This is not something new, for there is not a 100% pure culture because each society - viz its cultural system- is influenced by another one or built on/emerged from the debris of a previous one. In this article, I am not going to focus on all the aspects of this Greeko-Amazigh interculturalism. First of all, because there are many academic studies which have been done by experts on the topic, and also an article of a few pages is not really sufficient to cover all the aspects. In this article however, I will use Amazigh arts (Music/Poetry) to show how the effect of this antic historical interplay transcended time and is still alive in the cultural memory of the Amazigh people....